After Death Checklist

Following the death and burial of a family member or friend there are many tasks that may need to be completed. Whilst there is no fixed time for this to be organised, finalising the responsibilities provides closure, peace and prevents fraud.

The following is a list of organisations which you may need to inform:

Dealing with the estate: Wills and Probate

If there is a will inform the executors or administrators who will decide how to go through the probate process. If there is no will then contact the probate registry to apply for letters of administration.


Banks/Building Societies

The Death Notification Service is a free service which allows you to notify a number of financial organisations of a person’s death, at the same time. You will receive confirmation that the notification has been received by the financial institutions. A list of members is on their website, others will need to be contacted directly

Rented Property

If the deceased lived in rented accommodation, inform the local authority, housing association or private landlord.

Insurance Companies

Life, buildings, contents, medical, car, travel insurances for example


Health Services

GP surgeries if they are not already aware, hospital services the deceased may have been attending, dentists, opticians.


Stopping junk mail

Receiving direct mail (often called junk mail) in the deceased’s name can be extremely distressing. The Junk Mail Suppression Service can stop unwanted marketing post to the deceased and reduce the number of companies you will have to contact individually as well as help prevent identity fraud.

You can register for this service on the following website:

Home Care Equipment

Many people are able to be nursed at home with supply equipment to help, such as special beds, hoists, wheelchairs, bathroom aids, oxygen machines and many others. Each equipment or its instructions should have a telephone that you can contact to return the equipment.


Government Departments

This can be easily done by using the Tell Us Once service. This allows you to inform all the relevant government departments when someone dies by completing one form. Either access the website Tell Us Once or phone 0800 085 7308

This service will notify the following departments:

  • HMRC – Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs to deal with tax and child benefit payments (if applicable)
  • DVLA – if the deceased held a driving licence
  • Passport Office
  • Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) – to cancel benefits, for example Universal Credit or State Pension
  • Local council – to cancel housing benefit, council tax, a disabled blue parking badge, bus pass, council housing services and removes the person from the electoral register

Owned Property

How you update the property records when someone dies depends on whether they were the joint or sole owner of a property. Further information and relevant forms please visit If the deceased had an outstanding mortgage the mortgage provider will need to be informed.

Utility companies

Any utility companies which the deceased was registered with need to be inform so the account is closed or transferred to another person. This includes gas, electricity, water, council tax, TV licensing, broadband and telephone companies.


Pension Providers

Private pension companies.


Any remaining medication of the deceased should be either given to the nurses who have been supporting care at home or taken to a pharmacy for safe disposal.

Any utility companies which the deceased was registered with need to be inform so the account is closed or transferred to another person. This includes gas, electricity, water, council tax, TV licensing, broadband and telephone companies.

Social Services

Agencies providing care such as social services, home carers, meals on wheels and day centres.