
“Surely we belong to Allah and to Him shall we return.”

Losing a loved one is a difficult and traumatic experience and affects people in different ways. Grieving is an important part of the healing process

There are many stages of grieving which may include:


Denial – which helps us minimise the overwhelming pain of loss, feeling symptoms of shock and numbness



when coping with loss, it isn’t unusual to feel so desperate that you are willing to do almost anything to alleviate or minimise the pain as we realise there is nothing we can do to change things


we gradually come to terms with our loss and how to carry on with our lives

Some one may experience the stages fairly quickly, such as in a matter of weeks, where another person may take months or even years to move through to a place of acceptance.

Whatever time it takes for you to move through these stages is perfectly normal and there is always help at hand. Talking and expressing your emotions is a key component to overcome your grief. An Islamic counsellor can help you talk and explore your feelings and will provide an Islamic perspective on death and how to cope with loss.

Eternal Gardens

Eternal Gardens provides a full burial service including counselling/bereavement support. An Islamic counsellor can help you talk and explore your feelings. An Islamic counsellor will provide an Islamic perspective on death and how to cope with loss.

Our dedicated service which runs out of our Tooting community support center provides free bereavement support. If you are not local than don’t worry as the team can come to you or arrange for sessions via skype or call. London area.

0800 211 8569


tends to be the first thing we feel when we start to release emotions related to loss. This can leave you feeling isolated and perceived as unapproachable by others in moments when we could benefit from comfort, connection, and reassurance

Depression/low moods

as we start to realise reality we start to feel the loss of our loved one and sadness grows which may lead to isolation and longing to see them again

Bereavement Counselling Services

The Muslim Bereavement Support Service

The Muslim Bereavement Support Service is a registered charity, founded in 2012. They are a non-profit organization serving the Muslim community by supporting bereaved mothers who have lost a child at any stage.

They also work with other organizations, the NHS and hospices in particular, to give a spiritual context to the bereavement support services they offer. Their confidential service is provided by trained volunteers. They offer face-to-face and telephone support in multiple languages and supporting literature. National coverage.

0203 468 7333

Sakoon Islamic counselling

Coping with bereavement after the death of a loved one, including losing a parent, child or someone you’ve been caring for, miscarriage, stillbirth and neonatal death can be a traumatic experience. Sakoon Muslim counsellors can help you through this traumatic experience by providing self-help techniques and support. Whether the traumatic event happened years ago or yesterday, you can heal and move on. An Islamic counsellor will provide an Islamic perspective on death and how to cope with loss.

Main office is in West London, close to Stockly Park, Uxbridge. For face to face sessions we have a base in West, East London, Manchester and Birmingham. We have clients all over the UK and outside the UK via Skype and telephone.

07943 561 561